From over 783,000 authentic words, more than 600 biblical laws, 100-plus translations, and 66 amazing books, TWO ultimate commandments sum up all Scripture’s laws and commands: LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE.
You may describe “love” as a hot, erotic romance between two or more people. You know people obsessed with being in love, a passionate and sexual type of love. Or you may love your best friend or neighbor as yourself, a type of brotherly love. But without a right relationship loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul, your relationships with others will not be right either.
In What Love Really Means, journey with Mara’s interchange between her inner and outer world and you’ll:
• Discover when you love people, you demonstrate his love—Love God, Love People.
• Improve who you are. You make yourself someone’s neighbor when you give help when help is needed.
• Learn how to treat others like you want them to treat you.
• Understand it’s more blessed to give than to receive.
• Transform your life today with additional, subject matter case studies and chapter “wrap ups” that’ll help drive and motivate you to live out what love really means.
Real times, if you want to improve your situation, reconcile your relationship with God. Request your copy of What Love Really Means, then you can quickly and easily go and do likewise according to these two decrees and receive his abundant blessings—LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE!